BC BoD Property MISmanagement

126% increase for 2023

 In section 5.4 of the Declaration for our community, it states: 


Based on this, a number of concerns emerge with the recent communication regarding the 2023 maintenance increase announced by the board in September 2022: 

1. Elementary school math teaches us 110% of X = 10% more than the whole. Not 2X. So, for example, 110% of 200 = 220, not 420.  X, in our case, is the current monthly assessment.   For convenience, here is a Google search result of the same so you can check multiple sources. 

The answer is the same, no matter what browser or search engine you use!

2. Any assessment that covers any special project like reconstruction is not a usual maintenance fee. For capital projects, there is a separate assessment involved, and usually includes the specific scope, cost, timeline, etc. in order for it to be passed. None of this has been put forward and voted by the home owners, as per Section 5.6 of the Declaration. 


Instead, as usual, the current self-appointed directors are breaching the contractual obligations of the association at home owner expense. 

3. The majority of the self-appointed home owners have been on the board for at least 3-5 years.  The first requirement of a board member is to understand the governance structure and the legal requirements of an association. It is VERY concerning, disturbing that after all these years, the self-appointed directors still do not have a grasp of what is allowed or not allowed in the Declaration.  What else are they mismanaging due to a lack of understanding or willful misunderstanding?

Can the board members forgotten all their elementary school math?

4. The property management company, Houston HOA Management, is perpetuating this breach of the declaration. A property management company’s basic requirement is to understand the governance structure and the legal requirements of an association so that it can enforce it as needed – it is EXTREMELY alarming that Houston HOA is enabling violations of governing documents, rather than advising the board to abide by it and distancing themselves with any association’s directors that is determined to break the law.

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