BC BoD Property MISmanagement

The Board Knows All

In America, our judicial systems presume someone is innocent until proven guilty. That is the prevailing system – except in Berkley Court.

At Berkley Court, the sad reality is that the current (unelected) Board of Directors believes it KNOWS everything and that everyone is guilty, and they do not have to prove anything.

Let’s take an example to see why this matters. In the below email, the property manager has denied a home owner’s request to fix the sheet rock damaged by the supplier that the (unelected) Board contracted.


Because the (unelected) Board president, an individual who has never met the home owner nor been in the unit with the home owner’s knowledge, said so.

When the homeowner asked, the property manager could not answer the question as to how anyone on the Board lawfully claims to know the happenings within an individual’s unit. He cannot provide any evidence to substantiate the claim.

A few possibilities as to how this knowledge has come to be then emerges:

  • The (unelected) Board is illegally trespassing, breaking and entering into people’s homes, to put surveillance equipment to get its “knowledge”
  • The (unelected) Board or property management company is lying, and does not want to get repairs fixed in this unit for their own reasons (e.g., harassment and retaliation of a home owner it does not like), and knows it can get away with its mendacity

How does this matter?

The current (unelected) Board’s belief that it knows all leads to flawed decisions and biased judgements that impact Berkley Court residents in a very real manner.

  • The unelected Board will not repair property of certain home owners, even if it is the HOA responsibility to do so
  • The unelected Board refuses to acknowledge or comply with Texas law and regulations in how it manages the property and related administrative affairs – creating unsafe environments for all residents and raising risk and costs for home owners in the long run
  • The unelected Board alleges violations and then fines homeowners selectively and incessantly, and moving to foreclose on home owners who are unable to pay the sudden sums of penalties levied

The list goes on and on…

Homeowners – we ask that you not sit by and allow this to continue to happen any longer. You may not have experienced it yet, but it may be you sooner or later.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), Lutheran pastor in Germany



At Berkley Court, the current process that issuing violations (and issuing accompanying fines) is the below:

Now what are the chances that the Board will find that the homeowner is right, and the violation shouldn’t be issued, when it requested that the violation be issued in the first place? Especially, considering, 2 of the 3 current board members were the ones that (illegitimately) passed an amendment in 2017, that effectively allows the Board to fine homeowners a first offense (instead of a sending an initial courtesy warning letter).

Let’s make this real with an example:

1. The Board requested a homeowner be sent a violation due to being annoyed that a neighbor was in the attic, trying to make an emergency repair to restore water to the neighbor’s unit.
2. When asked as to which bylaw was violated when a homeowner entered a common area, RISE could not point to any official rule or restriction. Instead, it created another artificial requirement that had never been documented or discussed by homeowners (i.e., “only contractors are allowed in the attic space for repairs”).

A fair decision as to whether the violation is warranted is nearly impossible for the following reasons:

  • The property management company, RISE AMG, is incentivized to issue as many violations as it can, without requiring any evidence as it collects a $25+ fee for every violation issued (and knows it extremely unlikely that the violation will overturned as the Board has requested the violation in the first place)
  • The Board has no motivation to find for the homeowner, and admit that it was wrong, especially with the current (unelected) members of the Board who have a questionable track record in carrying out their fiduciary duty to the association

How do we make this system better?

  • Do we have a committee that reviews all violations that is separate from the Board?
  • Do we require that the property management company to only issue violations supporting evidence (such as a photograph or witness testimonials) and a clear reference to which covenant or restriction is being violated?
  • Do we repeal the policy of fining upon the first offence to ensure everyone is knowledgeable about community rules and the violation process?

Post your suggestions below!


A Texas Welcome?

A new resident recently moved in to Berkley Court from another state. She was notified shortly afterwards by her landlord that the Board had complained about her presence in the community.

As a responsible individual, she thought it best to contact a Board member to see if she and they can speak directly and address all concerns. Here’s how our new neighbor started the conversation:

Here’s how the board member responded to a new person in our community:

And finally, the response back to the board member by the tenant in question:

Now, we understand that serving as a board member is a volunteer position, on top of all the other responsibilities one may have in life. Board members may not have the time or energy to be able to welcome every new resident when they arrive, provide them an orientation of where things are in this community and how they work, and point them to resources that would come in handy like a welcome packet with codes and a comprehensive list of regulations and customs.

However, is it too much to ask for board members to exercise professionalism and civility, to not assume that folks are guilty before being found innocent, especially upon the first interaction?

We want our community to be full of responsible individuals, and welcoming to all. If we needlessly harass those living in our spaces, the quality of folks seeking to buy or rent in our community diminishes, as no tenant wants to remain under hostile conditions.

The above also leaves us open for lawsuits, which affects all of us (as assessments and insurance costs rise to cover the risk), even if it is just a few people engaging in bad behavior.

As homeowners, do we want this board of directors to be our representation to the world?


Meet the Actors

For the last few years, Berkley Court’s Homeowner Association has been primarily governed by a triumvirate, serving as its Board of Directors and officers, for the past 3-5 years. These directors are:

Our current Berkley Court Board of Directors are giving Julius Caesar and his boys a run for their money for the title of “Most Oppressive Oligarchy”.

Now the Board has several responsibilities, as outlined in the current Texas laws and governing documents of the Berkley Court homeowner’s association. The Board is to work on behalf of the homeowners to help in administrative and governance duties to ensure the property is maintained well for a safe and secure environment.

The current Board has hired a property management company, Rise AMG, to help in its management of the property. As per the RISE property manager, this is the description of RISE’s responsibilities:

This is a shortlist of items which have concerned homeowners or residents in the management of Berkley Court Condominiums, by the current (unelected) Board of Directors and property management company (Rise AMG).

  • The current (unelected) Board of Directors has made homeowners pay for repairs in common elements that is the responsibility of the association to cover, as per the governing documents
  • The current (unelected) Board of Directors has not provided appropriate oversight of its managing agent and the property management company is allowing (the unelected) board members to use association funds for personal gain in return
  • The current property management company, under the oversight of the (unelected) Board of Directors, has not maintained the association’s books and records, as per Texas state law, and do not respond to requests to examine the documentation by members of the HOA
  • The current (unelected) Board of Directors has not held regular association meetings on a quarterly basis, open to all homeowners, as required by the association’s governing documents, despite repeated requests by various homeowners
  • The current (unelected) Board of Directors, nor its designated property manager, responds to urgent repair requests such as lack of water or remediating black mold in common element areas
  • The current (unelected) Board of Directors has approved its designated property manager to use unlicensed and problematic vendors, driving up the maintenance fees for homeowners, without services being adequately provided or damaging homeowner property in the process

We need new directors to clean house, right wrongs, and ensure that we have an independent managing agent that is providing a service that is of value to all. Otherwise, all homeowners and residents of Berkley Court will suffer in the long run, financially and legally.

If you are a homeowner at Berkley Court, now is the time to stop the misuse of funds and abuse of power. Please contact us to see what you can do to get our community back on track.


Hello, world!

Allow us to introduce ourselves – we are residents and homeowners in the Berkley Court Condominiums, a complex located in the Gulfgate area of Houston, Texas. We are passionate about maintaining and improving the community in which we have chosen to live and invest.

In 2021, a group of homeowners, independent of the Board of Directors, came together to discuss the issues we are experiencing in our living area, and our current leadership and management. We have resolved to address the abuses that are currently taking place, to make sure we fight for our basic rights and maintain the value of our investments.

This site is our primary vehicle to communicate and connect with others about the events and actions taking place at Berkley Court of which the greater community should be aware. We hope you will join us in coming together to collaborate on the goal of improving our community so that it is a welcoming and safe place for all.

If you are interested in getting involved, or would like to know how you can help, please email